Monday, March 25, 2013

TCRC bar Tainan

Night market scene.

Chikan towers at night.

One of the many graveyards dotted around the island. The richer you die the better your tomb.

Calming Koi carp.

The green tunnel Anping.

The week begins again, time is flying. Had a good weekend went to the beach and ate some yoghurts, laughed at the willy shaped cloud and swam in the sea. Many Taiwanese have told us that it is dangerous to swim in Anping sea. It seems so shallow tho I can't imagine it being dangerous. Our landlady told us that there is a month when no one goes near the sea as it is ghost month. During ghost month you should not partake in any dangerous past times such as swimming, as a ghostly hand could potentially drag you down to join them. She is very superstitious not something I particularly believe in. Met up with H man, this cool sudanese guy. He was very messy from the night before. He's my broken arm twin. We share the same scar on our arms. 

Everything is sorted out for our trip to Green island. i am really looking forwards to it. Got the Wednesday the 3rd off from school which is good. Some girls we know tried to book the train but it was too late and they were all fully booked. They seemed peeved I didn't book it for them but I can't be held responsible for booking 9 peoples holiday cut me a break.

Went to TCRC a little bar tucked down a side alley. Its really unnoticeable, even when you go in you don't realise that it opens our into a bar round the back. They lovingly make you any coctails. They are a self professed no menu coctail bar so you can ask for whatever you want. I didn't rock the boat and requested a mojito. it was lovingly made in about 30mins but was worth the 250nt. It was delicious, big and strong just the way I like my coctails. i felt tipsy after just the one. I saw other tasty looking coctails floating around the bar, one in a wine glass with lots of fresh fruit, very girly. The bar itself is small and cosy but very nicely decorated it's like stepping back into the 1940's. Behind the bar there are big long wooden shelves practically up to the ceiling with every booze you could possibly imagine. They have those cool sliding ladders so they can climb up and go get a bottle. Octopus showed us the place and introduced us to the manager. Would like to go there again but not sure how they would cope with a busy Saturday night. 

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